Genre: Garage/Mod/Paisley Underground (Einträge 1 bis 540 von 540)
'68 Comeback- Do "The Rub" - 7" (m- / m-) Bag Of Hammers-BOH 021 (US 1994) € 6.00
'68 Comeback- Great Million Sellers (Volume 1) - 7" (m- / m-) 1+2-1+2 EP 053 (JPN 1994) yellow vinyl € 8.00
'68 Comeback- It gets a little red/Long time ago - 7" (m- / m-) In The Red-ITR 016 (US 1993) € 10.00
'68 Comeback- Paper boy blues - 10" (m- / m-) Sympathy For Record Industry-SFTRI 258 (US 1993) shrink € 16.00
'68 Comeback- Peepin & Hidin - 7" (m- / m-) Casting Couch-CCR-010 (US 1993) € 7.00
'68 Comeback- The Annex Sessions Volume One - 7" (m- / m-) Sympathy For Record Industry-450 (US 1996) € 8.00
'68 Comeback- The Annex Sessions Volume Two - 7" (m- / m-) Sympathy For Record Industry-451 (US 1996) € 8.00
'68 Comeback- You could call me job/Where the Rio de Rosa flows - 7" (m- / m-) Sub Pop-SP216 (US 1993) € 13.00
27 Devils Joking- Actual Toons - LP (m- / m-) Line wire-LW-10 (US ) € 10.00's, The- Rock and Roll Santa - 7" (new / new) Norton (US 2004) € 5.99
Acid Baby Jesus- S/t - LP (m- / m-) Slovenly-702-110 (US ) shrink, insert € 18.00
Action Now- S/t - LP (m- / m-) Lolita-5022 (F 1984) € 22.00
Action Time, The- Comedown Blues - 7" (vg++ / vg++) Southern-18574-7 (UK 2000) € 3.00
Alexander, Willie Loco- Taxi-Stand Diane - MLP (vg++ / vg+) New Rose-NEW 39 (F 1984) € 7.00
Alexander, Willie Loco- The dragons are still out - LP (vg++ / vg++) New Rose-ROSE 152 (F 1988) € 8.00
Arvedon, David- The best of - LP (m- / vg++) Mighty Mouse Music-MMM-010 (US 2012) insert € 12.00
Arvedon, David- The best of Volume 2 - LP (m- / m-) Mighty Mouse Music-MMM-014 (US 2015) insert € 12.00
Bad Trip- Bad trip flushes the vaults...The last bad trip E.P.! - 7" (m- / m-) Whitless Wimm-WHIT-01 (US 1987) € 12.00
Bantam Rooster- Low budget lust - 7" (m- / m-) Hate-11 (IT 1999) € 10.00
Bantam Rooster- Miss Luxury/Real live wire - 7" (m- / m-) Crypt-071 (D 1996) € 4.00
Barbary Coasters, The- Honey for sale - LP (new / new) Hillsdale (US 2005) € 12.99
Barracudas, The- Drop out with - LP (vg++ / vg++) Voxx-200.009 (US 1982) € 25.00
Barracudas, The- Endeavour to persevere - LP (m- / m-) Closer-CL 0009 (F 1984) € 15.00
Barracudas, The- I want my woody back - 7" (new / new) Munster (SP 2003) 1000 copies € 5.99
Barracudas, The- Inside mind/Hour of degradation - 7" (vg++ / vg++) Flicknife-FLS207 (UK 1982) € 10.00
Barracudas, The- Live E.P. - 7" (m- / m-) El Piso-13 (SP 1984) € 14.00
Barracudas, The- Mean Time - LP (m- / m-) Closer-CL 0001 (F 1983) € 18.00
Barracudas, The- Stolen Heart - 12" (vg++ / vg++) Closer-CL1215 (F 1984) € 15.00
Barracudas, The- The way we've changed/Laughing at you - 7" (m- / m-) Closer-CL 0006 (F 1983) € 10.00
Bassholes- Broke chamber music - 2LP (new / new) Hate (IT 2018) € 34.49
Bassholes- Deaf Mix Vol. 3 - LP (m- / m-) In The Red-ITR 049 (US 1997) sheet € 18.00
Bassholes- Haunted Hill! - LP (m- / m-) In The Red-ITR 025 (US 1995) € 22.00
Bassholes- John Henry - 7" (m- / m-) Sympathy For Record Industry-SFTRI 175 (US 1992) white € 10.00
Bassholes- Moody - 7" (m- / m-) Sympathy For Record Industry-SFTRI 514 (US 1997) € 10.00
Beatitudes, The- Home Alone - 7" (m- / m-) Exile-EX7006 (D 1987) € 8.00
Beatrevolver- Without You/Jealousy - 7" (m- / m-) P-Pack (D 2016) € 6.00
Beavers, The- Nancy, you're a square - 7" (m- / m-) Kogar-HAIRY 002 (NL 1993) € 4.00
Bellrays, The- Get it right - 7" (new / new) Holy Cobra Society (US 2005) picture disc, nc € 6.49
Bellrays, The- Grand Fury - LP (m- / m-) Uppercut-UC001-01 (US 2000) € 30.00
Bellrays, The- Raw Collection - LP (m- / m-) Uppercut-053448 (US 2003) € 25.00
Bellrays, The- The red, white & black - LP (nm / nm) Alternative Tentacles-23863 (UK 2005) booklet € 35.00
Black Carnations, Les- Beat the attitude - MLP (vg++ / vg++) Pastell-POW 5 (D) € 10.00
Black Carnations, Les- These were... - LP (m- / m-) Twang!-TLP 5891 (D 1988) € 15.00
Black Diamond Heavies- A touch of someone else's class - LP (vg++ / vg++) Alive-0085-1 (US 2008) € 20.00
Black Lips- 200millionthousand - 7" (m- / m-) Bachelor-BR-02 (AU 2006) € 10.00
Black Lips- Arabia Mountain - LP (m- / m-) Vice-VCA1-800261 (US 2011) € 40.00
Black Lips- Katrina/Boomerang - 7" (m- / m-) Vice-X003 (UK 2007) € 8.00
Black Lips- Katrina/Italian Sexual Frustration - 7" (m- / m-) Vice-003 (UK 2007) € 12.00
Black Lips /Icky Blossoms- Split - 7" (m- / m-) Saddle Creek-LBJ-190 (US 2013) colored vinyl € 7.00
Black Lips- Veni Vidi Vici - 7" (m- / m-) Vice-005 (UK 2007) € 10.00
Bloodloss- The truth is marching in - LP (m- / vg++) Aberrant-TRUE1 (AUS 1990) € 75.00
Bone Cellar- Cynical Bastard/Wasted Time - 7" (m- / vg+) Tombstone -T-43 (US 1992) € 5.00
Boom Boom G.I.- Slide a little closer - LP (m- / vg++) Boom-01 (CAN 1989) innersleeve € 7.00
Boss Martians, The- S/t - LP (m- / m-) Dionysus-ID 123327 (US 1995) € 18.00
Boston Chinks- Coltrane - LP (vg++ / m-) Goner-28GONE (US 2007) € 7.00
Brent Hosier- The secret that lies - LP (m- / m-) New Rose-ROSE 131 (F 1987) € 10.00
Brown Brogues- Triflin' - LP (m- / m-) Stolen Body Records-SBR005 (UK 2013) white vinyl € 10.00
Buff Medways, The- Medway Wheelers - LP (vg++ / m-) Damaged Goods-24606 (UK 2005) € 20.00
Bunny Brains, The- Bunny Magick - LP (vg++ / vg++) Blackjack-JACK 018 (US 1994) € 10.00
Bunny Brains, The- S/t - LP (m- / m-) Matador-OLE 140-1 (US 1994) sheet € 10.00
Bush Pig- S/t - LP (m- / m-) PGK-PGK 001 (AUS 1990) clear yellow € 20.00
Cannibals, The- The rest of... - LP (m- / m-) GMG-75004 (UK 1985) € 14.00
Cavemen, The- ...yeah - LP (m- / m-) Midnight-MIR LP 120 (AUS 1986) € 14.00
Charles Napiers, The- Il suono di volenza - LP (vg+ / vg+) One Million $-DOLLAR 021 (D 1997) € 8.00
Cheepskates, The- Remember - LP (m- / vg) Music Maniac-MM 010 (EU 1987) € 6.00
Cheepskates, The- Run better run - LP (m- / vg++) Midnight-MIR LP 104 (US 1984) € 14.00
Chesterfield Kings, The- Don't open til doomsday - LP (m- / m-) Mirror-12 (US 1987) € 18.00
Chesterfield Kings, The- Don't open til doomsday - LP (m- / m-) New Rose-ROSE 128 (F 1987) € 14.00
Childish, Billy- All our forts are with you - Lp (new / new) Damaged Goods (UK 2013) € 16.99
Childish, Billy /Singing Loins- At the bridge - LP (vg++ / vg++) Hangman-SCRAG 1UP (UK 1993) € 45.00
Childish, Billy- I've got a conflicted mind in a parallel world - 7" (new / new) Damaged Goods (UK 2017) € 6.99
Childish, Billy- In the devil's focus - 10" (new / new) Damaged Goods (UK 2017) € 15.99
Childish, Billy- Kitchen Recordings - Der Henkerman - LP (m- / vg+) Tom Product-TOM-17 (D 1992) € 25.00
Childish, Billy- Live in the netherlands - LP (vg+ / m-) Damaged Goods-35141 (UK 2008) € 20.00
Childish, Billy- Punkrock ist nicht tot! The Story 1977-2018 - 3LP (m- / m-) Damaged Goods-131987 (UK 2019) foc € 30.00
Childish, Billy /Singing Loins- The fighting temeraire - LP (new / new) Damaged Goods (UK 2022) € 21.99
Childish, Billy- Where the wild purple iris grow - LP (new / new) Damaged Goods (UK 2021) € 19.99
Childish, Billy /Sexton Ming- Wich dead donkey daddy? - LP (vg++ / m-) Hangman-HANG-5 UP (UK 1987) poster € 40.00
Choice, The- Right Now! - LP (m- / m-) Twang!-TLP 5896 (D 1992) promo sheet € 10.00
Chrome Cranks, The- Dead Cool - LP (m- / vg+) Crypt-LP-056 (D 1994) € 20.00
Chrome Cranks, The /Kim Salmon & The Surrealists- Split - 2x7" (m- / m-) Echostatic-03 (US 1994) foc, clear € 10.00
Chud, The- November Rain - 12" (m- / vg++) LSD-230723 (D 1989) blue vinyl, promo-sheet € 10.00
Chunks- Further down the road - 7" (vg++ / m-) Mola Mola Records-DRIFT 001 (SWE 1995) insert € 4.00
Classic Ruins- Lassie eats chicken - LP (m- / vg++) Throbbing Lobster-BISQUE 12 (US 1986) € 10.00
Clique, The- Hello Sunshine - 7" (m- / m-) Detour-DR 062 (UK 1998) insert € 10.00
Clockwork Wizards- First Spells - LP (m- / m-) Anaconda-ANNA 009 (D 1989) green vinyl, sheet € 10.00
Color Me Psycho- Pretend i'm your father - LP (vg++ / vg++) Raging-RAGE 002 (US 1988) innersleeve € 10.00
Come N' Go, The- 2 - LP (m- / m-) Voodoo Rhythm-VR1232 (CH 2006) foc € 10.00
Comedown ,The- N.D.E. - 7" (m- / vg+) Kelt-KEP 005 (NL) € 14.00
Contrapunctus- Gone - LP (m- / m-) Greasy Pop-GPR 146 (AUS 1989) insert € 8.00
Coolies, The (NZL)- Master - LP (vg++ / m-) Chapter Music-CH83 (AUS 2010) innersleeves € 14.00
Countdowns, The- Right on sound - LP (vg++ / m-) Scooch Pooch-P030 (US 1997) € 10.00
Courettes, The- The soul of… - LP (new / new) Damaged Goods (UK 2024) € 23.99
Cracked Jaffers, The- Drop in... - 7" (m- / m-) Kavern 7-K7-006 (AUS 1998) € 10.00
Cramps, The- A date with Elvis - LP (vg++ / vg++) Big Beat-WIKA 46 (UK 1986) ois € 25.00
Cramps, The- Drug Train - 7" (vg++ / vg++) Illegal-ILS 0021 (UK 1980) € 40.00
Cramps, The- Off the bone - LP (vg++ / vg++) Illegal-ILP012 (UK 1983) 3d glasses € 125.00
Cramps, The- Smell of female - 4x7"-Box (m- / m-) New Rose-Cramps1 (F 1984) numbered edition, coloured vinyl € 65.00
Cramps, The- Songs the lord taught us - LP (m- / vg++) I.R.S.-ILP 005 (NL 1980) € 60.00
Crap, The- Singles - 4x7"-Box (vg++ / vg+) Beat (D) number 008 € 14.00
Crawdaddys, The- Here 'tis - LP (vg++ / vg++) Voxx-VXS 200.046 (US 1987) € 20.00
Crawling Walls- Inner Limits - LP (m- / m-) Lolita-5043 (F 1985) € 8.00
Crazyhead- Buy a gun - 7" (m- / m-) Antar-4504 (UK 1987) number 245 € 3.00
Creeping Candies- The Flesh - LP (m- / m-) What's so funny about-SF 31 (D) € 10.00
Creeps, The- Enjoy - LP (m- / vg++) Re Elect The President-NIXON 2 (UK 1986) € 25.00
CTMF- Failure not success - LP (new / new) Damaged Goods (UK 2023) € 21.99
Cut In The Hill Gang- Mean black cat - LP (nm / nm) Stag-O-Lee-019 (D 2010) sealed € 14.00
Cynics, The- Blue train station - LP (m- / m-) Get Hip-NAKED 2 (US ) € 30.00
Cynics, The- No siesta tonite - LP (m- / m-) Get Hip-GH-1014 (US 1994) clear vinyl € 20.00
Daisy Chain- Do what thou wilt - LP (m- / vg++) Get Ya Records-99-2 MD (D 1988) insert € 18.00
Das Hobos- Cash Only - 7" (new / new) GutFeeling (D 2016) company-sleeve € 7.99
Davidson, Delaney- Bad luck man - LP+CD (new / new) Voodoo Rhythm (CH 2011) ois € 16.49
Day, Graham and The Gaolers- Begging You - 7" (new / new) Damaged Goods (UK 2008) € 6.99
Dead Brothers- Dead is forever - LP (m- / m-) Voodoo Rhythm-VR12124 (CH 2023) ois € 25.00
Dead Moon- Crack in the system - LP (new / new) Mississippi (US ) € 26.99
Dead Moon- Dead Moon Night - LP (m- / vg++) Music Maniac-MMLP 022 (D 1990) insert € 60.00
Dead Moon- Defiance - LP (new / new) Mississippi (US ) € 27.99
Dead Moon- In the graveyard - LP (new / new) Mississippi (US ) € 27.99
Dead Moon- Nervous sooner changes - LP (new / new) Mississippi (US ) € 27.99
Dead Moon- Stranded in the mystery zone - LP (new / new) Mississippi (US ) € 27.99
Dead Moon- Trash & Burn - LP (new / new) Mississippi (US 2013) € 27.99
Demolition Doll Rods- Big rock candy mountain - 7" (new / new) Munster (SP) picture disc € 6.49
Demon's Claws, The- S/t - LP (m- / m-) Radio 81-r81-06 (CAN 2007) sheet € 12.00
Denver Mexicans, The- S/t - LP (m- / m-) Still Sane-1 (D 1988) promo-inserts, promo-photo € 14.00
Der Beat From Bagdad- Big Beat - LP (vg++ / vg++) Glitterhouse/EFA-GR 0047 (D) € 9.00
Detroit Cobras, The- Tied & True - LP (m- / m-) Bloodshot-CSDLP 1112 (US 2007) foc € 50.00
Dimentia 13- Mirror Mind - LP (vg+ / vg+) Midnight-MIRLP 130 (UK 1987) insert € 18.00
Dimentia 13- S/t - LP (m- / vg+) Midnight-MIR LP 116 (UK 1985) insert € 20.00
Dirty Slim Oddballs- Hobo Johnson Style E.P. - 7" (m- / vg++) Kaos Farm-KF 1936 (D 1998) numbered edition of 300 € 10.00
Distraction, The /The Hatepinks- Split - 7" (m- / m-) Lollipop-LOLLI29 (F 2003) € 6.00
DM Bob- Vs. Silky - LP (m- / m-) Fanboy-FAN 302 (D 2003) € 13.00
DMZ- Live!! 1978!! - LP (nm / m-) Crypt-CR-009 (UK 1986) insert € 20.00
DMZ- When I get off - 12" (vg++ / vg++) Line-6.20 055 (D 1979) flc € 18.00
Doktor X- Blue the water - 7" (m- / m-) Fanboy-002 (D 2000) € 3.00
Doll Squad- Squad head side - 7" (m- / vg++) Thunderbaby (D) green vinyl € 7.00
Droogs- Guerrila Love-In - LP (vg++ / vg++) Music Maniac-MMLP 041 (D 1991) sheet € 12.00
Droogs- Heads Examined - MLP (m- / m-) Closer-CL 0007 (F 1983) € 10.00
Droogs- Kingdom Day - LP (m- / vg++) Music Maniac-MM 011 (D 1987) lyric-sheet € 8.00
Droogs- Mad dog dreams - LP (m- / m-) Music Maniac-MMLP 026 (D 1989) € 9.00
Droogs- Stone cold world - LP (m- / vg++) Plug n Socket-PNSLP 1001 (US 1984) € 10.00
Droogs- Webster Field/Collector's Item - 7" (vg++ / vg++) Plug n Socket (US ) € 7.00
Eagle Boys- Kambalda - 7" (m- / m-) Negative Guest List Records-NGL017 (AUS 2011) € 5.00
Electric Blue Peggy Sue And The Revolutionions From Mars- You tell me that it's evolutionion - LP (m- / vg+) Gaga Goodies-GOD-3 (FIN 1987) € 14.00
Embryonics, The- Enter the sick world of - 7" (m- / m-) Unique-UNR 7.13.18 (D 1992) € 5.00
Escalators, The (Garage)- Moving Staircases - LP (vg+ / vg+) Big Beat-WIK M 15 (D 1983) € 25.00
Essighaus /Masons- Split - 10" (m- / vg+) Middle Class Pig-MCP 002 (D 1998) pink vinyl € 7.00
Ettes, The- The worst there is/Colours - 7" (m- / m-) Sympathy For Record Industry-SFTRI 786 (US 2011) € 5.00
Ettes, The- The worst there is/Eat the night - 7" (m- / m-) Sympathy For Record Industry-SFTRI 786 (US 2011) € 5.00
Ettes, The- The worst there is/Randy Scouse Git - 7" (m- / m-) Sympathy For Record Industry-SFTRI 786 (US 2011) € 5.00
Eyes Of Mind, The- Tales of the turquoise umbrella - LP (m- / m-) Closer-CL 0018 (F 1984) € 10.00
Fall-Outs, The- Sleep - 7" (m- / m-) Super Electro (US 1994) € 14.00
Filthy Pedro- Rock 'n' Roll Points - 7" (new / new) Blang (UK 2007) € 4.99
Fingers, The- Breaking up is hard to do - 7" (new / new) Infected (US 1994) second pressing, limited numbered edition of 300 € 4.99
Flamin Groovies, The- Flamingo - LP (m- / vg) Karma Sutra-KSBS 2021 (US ) € 50.00
Flamin Groovies, The- Jumpin' in the night - LP (vg++ / vg+) Sire/Warner-200 694 (D 1979) co € 12.00
Flamin Groovies, The- Milk Cow Blues - 7" (m- / vg+) (AUS) lc € 15.00
Flamin Groovies, The- Now - LP (m- / m-) Sire-SRK 7059 (UK 1978) innerlseeve with lyrics € 19.00
Flamin Groovies, The- One night stand - LP (vg++ / vg++) ABC-LP10 (UK 1987) € 12.00
Flamin Groovies, The- River deep, mountai n high - 7" (vg+ / vg+) Underdog/Carrere-49.785 (F 1981) € 7.00
Flamin Groovies, The- Slow death, live! - LP (m- / m-) Lolita-5004 (F 1983) € 18.00
Flamin Groovies, The- Sneakers - MLP (vg++ / vg++) Line/Teldec-624185 AJ (D) € 13.00
Flamin Groovies, The- You tore me down - 7" (vg++ / vg++) Line-6.12 464 (D) company-sleeve € 10.00
Flamin Groovies, The- You tore me down - 7" (vg++ / vg++) Line/Teldec-6.12464 AC (D 1979) € 15.00
Flechazos, Los- Preparados, listos, ya! - LP (m- / nm) Dro East West/Warner-4D0829 (SP 1991) sheet € 30.00
Fleshtones, The- American Beat - 12" (vg++ / vg++) I.R.S./CBS-A 12.4408 (NL 1984) € 8.00
Fleshtones, The- Hexbreaker! - LP (vg++ / vg++) I.R.S./CBS-ILP 25434 (NL 1983) € 7.00
Fleshtones, The- Speed Connection - LP (vg++ / vg++) I.R.S./CBS-ILP 26412 (NL 1985) € 5.00
Fresh & Onlys, The- Play it strange - LP (m- / m-) In The Red-ITR 202 (US 2010) € 14.00
Fright Eye /Massenger- Split - 7" (m- / m-) Shordwood-SWR-004 (DK 2014) € 6.00
Fuzztones, The- Braindrops - LP (m- / m-) Music Maniac-MMLP 044 (EU 1991) foc € 20.00
Fuzztones, The- Hurt on hold - 12" (vg++ / vg++) Situation Two-SIT 58T (UK 1989) € 10.00
Fuzztones, The- Leave your mind at home - LP (vg++ / vg++) Midnight-MIRLP 105 (US 1984) fanzine, insert € 47.00
Fuzztones, The- Live in Europe! - LP+Flexi (m- / m-) Music Maniac-MMCD 006 (D 1898) foc € 22.00
Fuzztones, The- Live in Europe! - LP (vg++ / vg++) Music Maniac-MM006 (D 1987) foc, innersleeve € 10.00
Fuzztones, The- Lysergic Emanations - LP (vg++ / vg++) Enigma-2123-1 (NL 1986) foc € 20.00
Fuzztones, The- Nine Months Later - 12" (vg++ / vg++) Music Maniac-MM 013 (D 1988) € 9.00
Fuzztones, The- She's Wicked - 12" (m- / vg++) ABC-ABCS 006 T (UK 1985) € 14.00
G.Rag & Die Landlergschwister- Cumbia Yerba - 7" (new / new) Rheinschallplatten (D 2024) j € 11.99
G.Rag & Die Landlergschwister- Ins Freie - LP (new / new) GutFeeling (D 2024) numbere edition of 320 € 24.99
Game For Vultures- Goin' my way - 7" (m- / vg++) Estrus-ES-73 (US 1990) € 4.00
Garáz- Vykopà vky - LP (vg++ / m-) Globus International-21 0025-1 311 (CZE 1990) € 14.00
Gaunt- Sob Story - LP (vg++ / m-) Thrill Jockey (US 1994) € 11.00
Geckos- Twilight Zoo - 7" (vg++ / vg++) Rockaway Beach-40177 (D 1989) € 3.00
Geraldine (Garage)- 4.A.M. - 7" (m- / m-) Flux-U-38191M (US 1994) € 4.00
Get Lost!- Never come back - LP (m- / m-) Voodoo Rhythm-VR1210 (CH 2002) € 14.00
Ghost Sonata- We walked on - 7" (m- / m-) Scat-FOUR (US 1989) complete set € 8.00
Gibson Bros.- Big Pine Boogie - LP (m- / vg++) Homestead-HMS119-1 (US 1988) label-insert € 35.00
Gibson Bros.- Southbound - 7" (m- / m-) Glitterhouse/EFA-GR 0152 (D 1990) € 8.00
Girl Trouble- Tarantula - 7" (m- / m-) K-IPU 6 (US 1987) € 8.00
Golden Horde, The- 100 Boys - 7" (m- / vg+) Mother-MUM 16 (IRL 1989) € 25.00
Goldfinger- Spy - 12" (m- / m-) Smart-SM 02 (UK 1994) € 12.00
Gone In Sixty Seconds- Brimstone & Bottle Rockers - LP (m- / vg++) Get Hip-GH-1006 (US 1992) insert € 10.00
Gonn- Time Travel: 50 Years come & gonn - 2LP (m- / vg++) MGM-MCM S-20161 (US 2016) coloured vinyl, booklet € 16.00
Gories, The- I know you fine, but how you doin - LP (m- / m-) Crypt-042 (D 1994) € 15.00
Gravel- As for tomorrow - 7" (m- / m-) Estrus-ES733 (US 1992) € 4.00
Gravel- Not Alive - 7" (m- / m-) Estrus-ESP5 (US 1993) € 5.00
Green Gallery- S/t - LP (m- / vg++) Pet Sounds-P.W. 101 (SWE 1987) € 10.00
Green Pajamas- Book of hours - LP (m- / m-) Bouncing Corp.-HEAD 1 (D) € 20.00
Green Pajamas- Ghosts of love - LP (m- / m-) Bomp!-BLP 4033 (US 1990) company orderlist € 20.00
Green Telescope, The- Two by two - 7" (vg++ / vg++) Imaginary Art-MIRAGE 001 (UK 1985) white sleeve € 8.00
Grip Weeds, The- She brings the rain - 7" (m- / m-) Twang!-TS 081 280 (D 1993) € 6.00
Group $oall- Stephanie - 7" (m- / m-) Platenclub Utrecht-PLUT 003 (NL) sheet € 8.00
Guilty Hearts, The- S/t - LP (m- / m-) Voodoo Rhythm-VR 1227 (CH) € 12.00
Guy Hamper Trio- Dog Jaw Woman - LP (new / new) Damaged Goods (UK 2024) € 22.49
Guy Hamper Trio- Instrument of evil - 7" (new / new) Damaged Goods (UK 2024) € 10.49
Headcoats, Thee- Irregularis - LP (new / new) Damaged Goods (UK 2023) € 21.99
Headcoats, Thee- The earls of suavedom - LP (m- / m-) Crypt-020 (D 1990) shrink € 25.00
Headcoats, Thee- The Messerschmitt pilot's severed hand - LP (m- / m-) Damaged Goods-DAMGOOD 140 (UK 1998) shrink € 35.00
Headless Horsemen, The- Hotel Cadillac/Tallahassie Lassie - 7" (m- / m-) Resonance-PRO/87-4504 (D) € 10.00
Heart Attack Alley- Living in hell - LP+CD (new / new) Voodoo Rhythm (CH 2012) red vinyl, poster, edition of 1500 € 15.99
Heavy Mental- Atomic Shockabily - 7" (m- / m-) Persistant-P1 6584 (US 1984) € 25.00
Hefners, The- Repop! - LP (m- / vg++) Middle Class Pig-MCP LP 016 (D 2000) € 10.00
High Tension Wires- Welcome new machine - LP (m- / m-) Dirtnap-ZZZ-104 (US 2011) € 10.00
Highway Child- Sanctuary Come - LP (m- / m-) Elektrohasch-140 (D 2010) € 15.00
Hipbone Slim- Snake Pit - LP+CD (m- / m-) Voodoo Rhythm-26996 (CH 2003) € 15.00
Hipbone Slim- The sheik said shake - LP (m- / m-) Voodoo Rhythm-34078 (CH 2008) ois € 18.00
Holly Golightly- Medicine County - LP (m- / m-) Damaged Goods-DAMGOOD 350-LP (UK 2010) € 14.00
Hoodoo Gurus- Magnum cum louder - LP (m- / vg++) RCA/BMG-PL90362 (D 1989) € 8.00
Hoodoo Gurus- Mars needs guitars - LP (m- / m-) Chrysalis/Ariola-207 491 (D 1986) € 11.00
Hoodoo Gurus- Stoneage Romeos - LP (m- / m-) Demon-FIEND 32 (UK 1982) € 20.00
Hot Toddies, The- Get your heart on - LP (m- / m-) Asian Man-AM203 (US 2010) sheet € 14.00
House Williams- Revolutionist - LP (m- / m-) Hazelwood-HAZ 027V (D 2004) € 12.00
Humdingers- A little love on the side - 7" (m- / m-) Waterfront-DAMP 55 (AUS 1987) € 4.00
Hypnotics, Thee- Come down heavy - LP (vg++ / vg+) Rebel Rec./SPV-065-30821 (D 1990) € 11.00
Hypnotics, Thee- Half man half boy - 12" (vg++ / vg++) Situation Two-SIT 67 T (UK 1990) € 7.00
Hypnotics, Thee- Justice in freedom - 12" (m- / m-) Rebel Rec./SPV-50-3012 (D 1989) german promo-sheet € 12.00
Hypnotics, Thee- Soul Trade - 12" (vg++ / vg++) Situation 2-SIT 62T (UK 1989) € 7.00
Hysteric Narcotics- Batteries not included! - LP (vg++ / m-) Raffscallion-HN-01 (US 1986) € 13.00
I Love Lucy- The love car - 7" (m- / m-) Boom!-4 (B 1989) € 10.00
Impala- Ltd A Go-Go - 7" (m- / m-) Power Of Bob Records-POB 101 / POB 102 (US 1993) € 10.00
Imperial Pompadours, The- Ersatz - LP (vg+ / vg+) Pompadour (UK 1982) € 55.00
Jack O'Fire- Clothes make the man - 7" (m- / m-) Estrus-ES743 (US 1993) sheet € 10.00
Jack O'Fire- Soul Music 101 Chapter 1 - 7" (m- / m-) Sympathy For Record Industry-SFTRI 253 (US 1993) € 8.00
Jackknife- All my Blues for sale - 7" (m- / m-) Sympathy For Record Industry-SFTRI 299 (US 1994) € 4.00
Jane Pow- State - LP (m- / vg++) Target-TGT 001 (UK 1990) € 15.00
Janâ„¢- Fire of love - 7" (m- / m-) Fanboy-FAN 702 (D 1997) € 4.00
Jenna and the Den Boys- S/t - LP (m- / m-) ( 2019) € 10.00
Jet Black Berries- Sundown on Venus - LP (m- / vg++) Enigma-E-1117 (US 1984) € 14.00
Johnny Moped- Quonk! - LP (new / new) Damaged Goods (UK 2024) pink vinyl € 21.99
Johnnys, The- (There's gonna be a showdown) - 7" (m- / m-) Mushroom-K9940 (AUS 1986) company-sleeve € 7.00
Jolly Jumpers- Back to the Tom-Tom Town - 10" (vg+ / vg+) Gaga Goodies-GAG-2 (D 1987) € 15.00
Juke Joint Pimps, The- Boogie the house down - LP (m- / m-) Voodoo Rhythm-VR1246 (CH 2008) innersleeve € 14.00
Justice Hahn- Down by love - 10" (m- / m-) Exile-EX10EP05 (D 1989) € 10.00
Karl S. Blue And His Magic Quells- Rowdy - LP (vg++ / vg++) String-STR #230293 (D 1993) innersleeve € 7.00
Karvin "A"s, The- Pushin' & A-Shovin - 7" (vg++ / vg++) Screaming Apple-SCAP 018 (D 1993) € 6.00
Kid Congo- Gorilla Rose - LP+Download (m- / m-) In The Red-35457 (US 2011) shrink € 40.00
King Automatic- Lorraine Exotica - LP+CD (vg++ / m-) Voodoo Rhythm-VR 1287 (CH 2015) € 12.00
King Bee (Fred Cole)- Hot Pistol - 7" (vg++ / vg+) Whizeagle-W-7001 (US 1978) € 45.00
King Sound Quartet- The getdown imperative - LP (m- / m-) In The Red-ITR-052 (US 1997) € 14.00
Kliek, The- When father was away on Beat business in the magic centre - LP (m- / vg++) Kelt-KLP 002M (NL 1988) € 84.00
Knights Of The New Crusade, The- My god is alive! Sorry about Yours! - LP (vg++ / vg++) Screaming Apple-SCALP 159 (D 2005) € 15.00
La Sect Rouge- Frank - LP (vg++ / vg++) Trans Urban-01 (AUS 1990) lyric-sheet € 15.00
La Sect Rouge- Zombie Bar-B-Q - 7" (m- / m-) Big Home Productions-BHP 997 (AUS 1987) sheet, brown paper bag € 20.00
Lambrettas, The- Ambience - LP (m- / vg++) Rocket Record/Phonogram-TRAIN 14 (UK 1981) € 14.00
Lambrettas, The- Beat boys in the jet age - LP (vg++ / vg++) Rocket Record/Phonogram-6302 034 (UK 1980) sticker, innersleeve € 20.00
Las Suecas- Mad/Estan cambiando los colores de la vida - 7" (new / new) Groovie (POR 2019) € 7.99
Last Night- Friendly Fires - LP (vg++ / vg++) le turc mecanique-LTM 029 (F) € 10.00
Lee, Becky and Drunkfoot- Hello black halo - LP+CD (m- / vg+) Voodoo Rhythm-VR1272 (CH 2012) € 14.00
Left Lane Cruiser- Bring yo' ass to the table - LP (m- / m-) Alive/Total Energy-0081-1 (US 2008) orange vinyl € 20.00
Legendary Stardust Cowboy- Retro rocket back to earth - LP (vg++ / vg++) New Rose-ROSE 260 (F 1991) € 22.00
Link Protrudi and The Jaymen- Drive it home! - LP (m- / m-) Music Maniac-MM009 (D 1987) € 14.00
Link Protrudi and The Jaymen- Seduction - LP (vg++ / vg++) Music Maniac-MMLP 053 (D 1994) € 12.00
Loafin' Hyenas, The- S/t - LP (m- / vg++) New Rose-ROSE 225 (F 1991) € 10.00
Loafin' Hyenas, The- The forbidden see - 7" (m- / m-) Sympathy For Record Industry-SFTRI 36 (US 1989) blue vinyl € 5.00
London Dirthole Company, The- The sounding alley tapes - LP (new / new) Squoodge (D 2014) coloured vinyl € 14.99
Loney, Roy- The scientific bombs away - LP (m- / m-) AIM-1025 (AUS 1988) € 18.00
Los Bichos- A hell of a girl/I'm nothing without her - 7" (m- / m-) Radiation-RARE 005 (SP 1993) € 6.00
Los Cincos- The five deadly sins - LP (m- / m-) Sympathy For Record Industry-SFTRI 442 (US 1996) insert € 14.00
Los Raw Gospels- La fiesta de la muerte - LP (m- / m-) P.Trash-FULL TRASH 28 (D 2007) number 208 € 10.00
Lover!- Reverse the curse - LP (m- / m-) Red Lounge-RLR 081 (D 2010) foc € 8.00
Lust-O-Rama- The dark side E.P. - 7" (m- / vg++) Estrus-ES738 (US 1992) € 10.00
Lyres- On Fyre - LP (m- / m-) New Rose-ROSE 35 (F 1984) promo-sheet € 30.00
Lyres- Someone who'll treat you right now - 12" (vg++ / m-) New Rose-NEW 60 (F 1985) € 8.00
Lyres- The Box Set - 3LP-Box (vg++ / vg++) New Rose-LYRRS ONE (F 1986) numbered edition of 3000, sheet, coloured vinyl € 50.00
Mad Daddys- Apes go wild - LP (m- / m-) New Rose-ROSE 110 (F) co € 10.00
Mad Nanna- I've been talking - 7" (m- / m-) Little Big Chief Records-LBCR-001 (US 2011) € 4.00
Makers, The- All-Night Riot!! - LP (m- / vg++) Estrus-ES1220 (US 1995) € 22.00
Makin' Time- Pump it up - 12" (m- / m-) Countdown-12 VAIN 5 (UK 1986) € 22.00
Makin' Time- Two Down - LP (m- / vg++) FAB-005 (D 1986) woc € 20.00
Mama RosÃn- Tu as perdu ton chemin - LP (m- / m-) Voodoo Rhythm-32689 (CH 2008) € 15.00
Manifolds, The- S/t - LP (vg++ / vg++) Needles & Pins-SIAM-1 (US ) € 10.00
Mannequin Men- Hobby girl - 7" (m- / m-) HoZac-HZR-064 (US 2010) € 3.00
Mantles, The- Pink Information - 12" (m- / m-) Mexican Summer-MEX 041 (US 2010) shrink, sticker, number 521 € 8.00
Messer Für Frau Müller- Senors Crakovajk - LP (m- / m-) Feelee-FL3017 (RUS 1993) € 20.00
Micronotz, The- 40 fingers - LP (vg++ / vg++) Homestead-HMS 054 (US 1986) sheet € 10.00
Midnight Men, The /Betty Goes Green- Split - 7" (vg++ / vg+) Teenage-TH 666 ) promo € 3.00
Mighty Caesars, Thee- Acropolis Now - LP (m- / m-) Damaged Goods-DAMGOOD397LP (UK 2013) € 16.00
Milkshakes, The- After school session - LP (m- / m-) Hangman-HANG 24 (UK 1988) € 34.00
Milkshakes, The- In Germany - LP (new / new) Damaged Goods (UK) € 18.99
Milkshakes, The- Nothing can stop these men - LP (m- / vg+) Milkshakes-HARP-0 (UK 1984) € 30.00
Miners Of Muzo- In surf of fish - LP (vg++ / vg++) Eksakt-008 (NL 1984) insert € 10.00
Ming, Sexton- Master of gibberish - LP (m- / vg++) Tom-21 (CH 1993) lyric-sheet € 20.00
Miracle Workers, The- Primary Domain - LP (m- / vg++) Glitterhouse-GR 0050 (D 1989) innersleeve € 7.00
Miss Alex White /Chris Playboy- Live - LP (nm / nm) In The Red-ITR 120 (US 2006) sealed € 10.00
Miss Alex White and the Red Orchestra- Space & Time - LP (m- / m-) In The Red-ITR-143 (US 2007) € 10.00
Missing Monuments- Painted White - LP (m- / m-) Douchemaster-DMR045 (US 2011) sheet € 14.00
Mod Fun, The- 90 Wardour Street - LP (m- / m-) Midnight-MIR LP 110 (F 1985) sheet € 22.00
Mojomatics, The- A sweet mama gonna hoodoo me - LP (vg++ / m-) Alien Snatch!-SNATCH!028 (D 2004) red vinyl, insert € 12.00
Mojomatics, The- Down my spine - 7" (m- / m-) Wild Honey-WH-001 (IT 2007) € 3.00
Mongrel Puppy, The- Let's Barbeque - LP (m- / m-) Twisted Puppy (US 1984) € 10.00
Monks, The (IT)- Synapsis - LP (vg++ / vg++) Crime-CR 005 (IT 1989) € 20.00
Mono Men, The- Skin & Tonic - LP (m- / m-) Estrus-ES1218 (US 1994) € 30.00
Monochords, The- I don't need you anymore - 7" (m- / vg++) ( 2002) lc € 15.00
Monsters, The- I still love her - 7" (m- / m-) Sound Flat-04578 (D 2007) deck of cards € 12.00
Monsters, The- I want you - 7" (new / new) Squoodge (D 2011) € 6.99
Monsters, The- The Hunch - LP (m- / m-) Voodoo Rhythm-VR1278 (CH 2013) green vinyl € 16.00
Monsters, The- You're class, I'm trash - LP+7" (new / new) Voodoo Rhythm (CH 2021) € 21.99
Mood Six- A matter of! - LP (m- / m-) Cherry Red-BRED 71 (UK 1986) € 12.00
Mood Six- Plastic Flowers/It's your life - 12" (vg++ / vg++) Psycho-4001 (UK 1985) € 8.00
Moorat Fingers, The- I wanne be your razorblade/Brand new cadillac - 7" (m- / m-) Fanboy-FANN 001 (D 2000) € 6.00
Morlocks, The- Emerge - MLP (m- / vg+) Midnight-MIR LP 111 (US 1985) € 12.00
Morlocks, The- Under the wheel - 7" (vg++ / vg++) In The Red-ITR 1001 (US 1990) number 132 € 8.00
Morzelpronk- EP - 7" (m- / vg++) Ralbör-EP 975 (NL 1984) € 5.00
Mosquitos, The- That was then, this is now! - MLP (vg++ / vg++) Valhalla-VXS6004 (US 1985) € 18.00
Motor Boys Motor- S/t - LP (vg++ / vg++) Albion-2374 206 (D 1982) € 12.00
Mourning After, The- Doin' me in - 7" (vg++ / m-) Detour-DR017 (UK 1996) € 6.00
Mucus 2- French Connection - 7" (m- / m-) Larsen-LZ 054 (F) € 6.00
Mucus 2 /Mondo Fumatore- Split - 7" (m- / m-) Rewika-REW 013 (D) € 3.00
Multicoloured Shades, The- House of wax - LP (vg++ / vg++) Last Chance-LCR 003 (D 1985) € 8.00
Multicoloured Shades, The- House of wax - LP (m- / vg++) Last Chance-LCR 003 (D 1985) multi-coloured, promo-inserts € 18.00
Multicoloured Shades, The- S/t - MLP (m- / vg++) Last Chance-L.C.R. 001 (D 1984) green vinyl, woc € 10.00
Multicoloured Shades, The- Teen sex transfusion - 12" (vg++ / vg++) Virgin-608 525-213 (D 1986) € 7.00
Mushrooms, The- Taste Of - LP (vg++ / vg+) Pegasus-PEG 002 (GR 1986) insert € 22.00
Mystery Braves- Desert Island - LP (m- / m-) lolipop-LPOP090 (US 2014) shrink € 45.00
Mystics- Dandies are back - LP (m- / m-) Lolita-5009 (F 1983) € 13.00
Naz Nomad & The Nightmares- Give daddy the knife Cindy - LP (vg++ / vg+) Big Beat-W1K 21 (UK 1984) € 20.00
Necessary Evils, The- Thrill Pill/Twist grind, rock 'n' burn - 7" (m- / m-) Crypt-CR-059 (US 1997) € 4.00
Nerves- New Animal - LP (m- / m-) Thrill Jockey-THRILL069 (US 1999) booklet € 8.00
Nerves, The- One Way Ticket - LP (m- / m-) Alive-ALIVE0090-1 (US 2008) red vinyl € 45.00
New Bomb Turks, The- Bottle Island/Youngblood - 7" (m- / m-) Damaged Goods-26 (UK 1993) € 8.00
New Bomb Turks, The- So cool so clean so sparkling clear - 7" (vg++ / m-) Datapanik-14 (US 1992) € 15.00
Night Kings, The- Brainwashed - 7" (vg+ / m-) Bad Vibe/Dope-BV000001 (US ) € 6.00
Nomads, The- Psycho Live - LP (m- / m-) Hawkeye-011 (EU 1985) € 45.00
Nomads, The- She pays the rent - 12" (m- / vg++) Wire-TNMS 66 (UK 1986) € 10.00
Novak, Jeffrey- Fire in the hole! - 7" (m- / m-) P.Trash-13 (D 2005) red cover, number 90 € 5.00
Nubiles, The- Goin to the country - LP (m- / m-) Rampant Releases-RR051 (AUS) foc € 10.00
Nubiles, The- Hawai/Hot Slave - 7" (m- / vg++) Terrace Records And Tapes-TER1007 (AUS 1986) complete set € 15.00
Obits, The- I blame you - LP (m- / m-) Sub Pop-SP-785 (US 2009) insert € 34.00
Olympic Sideburns, The- Dixie truck stop! - LP (m- / vg+) White Label-L38755 (AUS 1987) foc € 16.00
Olympic Sideburns, The- S/t - LP+12" (m- / m-) New Rose-ROSE 60 (F 1985) sticker € 18.00
Original Sins, The- Big Soul - LP (m- / m-) Bar/None-AHAON-003 (US 1987) € 18.00
Others, The- About my town - 7" (m- / vg++) Detour-DR049 (UK 1997) € 5.00
Outnumbered, The- Holding the grenade too long - LP (m- / m-) LSR/Homestead-HMS051 (US 1986) sheet € 12.00
Outnumbered, The- Why are all the good people going crazy - LP (m- / m-) Homestead-HMS019 (US 1985) € 12.00
Oxalic Lyns, The- Drunk Drive - LP (m- / m-) Beat Schallplatten-BS 400 05 (D 1994) € 8.00
Penetrators, The- Kings of the basement rocks - LP (m- / vg++) Slovenly-702-126 (US 2013) € 18.00
Perry, Al- Losin' Hand - 7" (m- / m-) Demolition Derby-DD 028 (B 1995) € 5.00
Peter Zaremba's Love Delegation- Spread the world - LP (vg++ / vg++) Moving Target/Celluloid-MT 001 (US 1986) € 14.00
Pets, The- Sticky Situations - 7" (m- / m-) Sweet Rot-SRR-01 (CAN 2006) € 3.00
Petty, Andy Dale- All god's children have shoes - LP (m- / m-) Voodoo Rhythm-34683 (CH 2008) € 10.00
Pink Fylowers, The- Tune In! - LP (m- / m-) Smarten-Up-BIG START 18_1 (D 1991) promo sheet € 18.00
Pink Slip Daddy- Antidisestablishmentarianism - LP (m- / m-) Apex/Skyclad-APEX 85 (US 1990) € 10.00
Pirate Love- Black vodoun space blues - LP (m- / m-) Voodoo Rhythm-VR1252 (CH 2008) € 10.00
Pizzas, The- Pizza sells...but who's buying? - 7" (m- / m-) Sacramento-015 (US 2011) € 6.00
Plan 9- Frustation - MLP (m- / vg+) Outline/Line-MLSLP 4009 AN (D 1982) € 10.00
Plan 9- Frustration - LP (m- / vg++) Voxx-VXS 200.007 (US 1982) € 14.00
Plan 9- Live - I've just killed a man I don't want to see any meat - LP (m- / vg+) Midnight-MIRLP 107 (UK 1985) company-insert € 12.00
Plan 9- S/t - LP (m- / m-) New Rose-ROSE 41 (F 1984) € 20.00
Plastic Letters- Don't tell your boyfriend - LP (vg++ / vg++) Screaming Apple-SCALP 161 (D 2005) € 10.00
Playn Jayn, The- Five good evils - LP (m- / m-) ABC-LP5 (UK 1985) innersleeve € 10.00
Playn Jayn, The- Friday the 13th at the Marquee Club - LP (m- / m-) A&M-JAYN 13 (UK 1984) € 18.00
Presidents Men, The- Reasons for leaving - 7" (m- / m-) Oily-SLICK 5 (UK 1981) € 8.00
Prime Movers, The- Stroboscope - 12" (vg++ / vg+) Cyanide-CND004 (UK 1992) € 9.00
Prisoners, The- In from the cold - LP (m- / vg++) Stiff/Teldec-6.26365 (D 1986) € 35.00
Pseiko Lüde & Die Astros- Phantom Strip - LP (vg++ / vg++) Weltall-ALL 002 (D 1985) insert € 7.00
Psychotic Pineapple- I wanna get rid of you - 7" (m- / vg++) Richmond -RICH 1 (US ) € 18.00
Purple Merkins- Baby's got Kinks! - 7" (m- / vg++) Doctor Vinyl-001 (B 1995) blue vinyl € 5.00
Purple Things- Out of the deep - 12" (vg++ / vg++) Media Burn-MB7 (UK 1986) € 24.00
Purple Toads, The- S/t - LP (m- / m-) Star-SR-005 (CAN 1986) sheet € 12.00
Pushtwangers- Here we go again - LP (vg++ / vg++) Amigo-AMLP 2008 (B 1986) € 10.00
Quant (Garage)- Play with Mary - 7" (vg+ / m-) Detour-DR061 (UK 1997) € 18.00
Ramma Lamma- Gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie - 7" (m- / m-) Certified PR Records-CPR-020 (US 2011) € 7.00
Ramma Lamma- Little Runaway - 7" (m- / m-) Lamma Records-01 (IT 2011) number 20/90 € 3.00
Ramona's- Spread the germs - 7" (vg+ / vg++) Kelt-KEP 013 (NL 1990) € 5.00
Ramonetures- Johnny walk don't run Raulene - LP (m- / vg++) Blood Red-BRLP12015 (US 2001) € 13.00
Real Gone Lovers, The- Don't waste your breath/Jumpin' in the night - 7" (m- / m-) Reachless-001 (US ) € 9.00
Reatards /Angry Angles/Tokyo Electron- Totally Shattered Euro Tour 7" - 7" (m- / m-) Ken Rock-KEN 45 (SWE 2005) white/red/blue swirl vinyl € 30.00
Red Aunts /Claw Hammer- Split - 7" (m- / m-) Gearhead-RPM 002 (US 1993) € 6.00
Reptiles At Dawn- After the plague - 2x7" (m- / vg++) New Rose-NEW 88 (F 1987) foc € 6.00
Reptiles At Dawn- Dressed in flesh - LP (m- / m-) New Rose-ROSE 133 (F 1987) € 15.00
Reverb Mother Fuckers- The 12 swinging signs of the zodiac - LP (m- / m-) Rave-006 (US 1989) sheet € 12.00
Reverend Beat-Man- Blue Moon of Kentucky - 7" (vg++ / m-) Squoodge-SR #17.41-1 (AU 2007) foc € 15.00
Reverend Beat-Man- Get on your knees - LP (m- / m-) Voodoo Rhythm-VR1209 (CH 2001) € 18.00
Reverend Beat-Man- Strongest Man Alive - 7" (m- / m-) Squoodge-17.41-2 (AU 2007) white vinyl € 8.00
Reverend Beat-Man- Surreal Folk Blues Gospel Trash Vol. 1 - LP (m- / m-) Voodoo Rhythm-VR1240 (CH 2007) company-innersleeve € 18.00
Reverend Beat-Man- Surreal Folk Blues Gospel Trash Vol. 2 - LP (m- / m-) Voodoo Rhythm-32463 (CH 2007) ois € 22.00
Risk, The- An invitation to the Blues - LP (vg++ / vg) Unicorn-PHZA-10 (UK 1987) € 13.00
Roy & The Devil's Motorcycle- Because of women - LP+CD (vg++ / m-) Voodoo Rhythm-VR 1233 (CH 2013) € 12.00
Rubbermind Revenge- Hippies are more fun than people - LP (m- / m-) Vielklang/EfA-0427-08 (D 1988) € 20.00
Sacred Hearts, The- The Primetime EP - 7" (vg+ / vg++) Tea Time/Twist-TWIST 3/TEA 13 (EU) € 3.00
Sad And Lonley(s), The- S/t - MLP (m- / m-) Super Electro/Sub Pop-SP 41/201 (D 1991) € 7.00
Say Sue Me- It's just a short walk! - MLP (m- / m-) Damnably-064 (UK 2018) clear vinyl € 22.00
Screaming Dizbüsters, The- The next big thing - 7" (m- / m-) Next Big Thing-NBT 4502 (EU) € 12.00
Screaming Dizbüsters, The- This ain't the summer of love/Out of the frying pan, into the fire - 7" (vg++ / vg+) Amigo-AMS 169 (SWE 1986) € 12.00
Secret Syde, The- Hidden Secrets - LP (vg++ / vg+) Hose Head-001 (UK 1986) € 10.00
Seeds, The- Can't seem to make you mine - 7" (vg+ / vg++) GNP-354 (US 1967) lc € 15.00
Sexual Slurs- S/t - 7" (m- / m-) Solid Sex Lovie Doll-SSLD 030 (IT 2007) € 8.00
Shadowland, The- Kaleidoscope - LP (m- / vg++) Groove Tunnel (UK 1991) € 15.00
Shadowland, The- Smoke - 7" (vg++ / vg++) Twist-4 (D 1993) green vinyl € 3.00
Sharing Patrol- Day after yesterday - LP (m- / vg++) Sound Of Music-SOUND 104 (DK 1986) innersleeve € 10.00
Shindiggers- Carsh your party - LP (m- / vg++) Waterfront-DAMP 32 (AUS 1986) € 22.00
Shiny Gnomes- Fivehead - LP (vg++ / vg++) Polydor-837 986-1 (D 1989) innersleeve € 8.00
Shiny Gnomes- Liquid Ladder (Up-Climber Mix) - 7" (m- / m-) Polydor-879 106-7 (D 1991) € 4.00
Shiny Gnomes- Sexmaniac - 7" (m- / m-) Glitterhouse-GR 363 (D) € 10.00
Shiny Gnomes- She is all the rage - 7" (m- / vg+) Polydor-889 446-7 (D) € 3.00
Shiny Gnomes- Some funny nightmares - LP (m- / m-) Pastell-POW 10 (D) € 10.00
Shiny Gnomes- Wild Spells - LP (m- / m-) Pastell-POW 7 (D 1986) € 12.00
Shoutless, The- Bowery at midnight - LP (m- / vg++) Rainbow Music-RMX 3006 (SWE 1986) € 8.00
Shoutless, The- Insane/I tell no lies - 7" (vg+ / m-) Rainbow Music-SHOUT 1 (SWE 1984) € 3.00
Shoutless, The- Lust Lubrication - LP (m- / m-) Pet Sounds-PET 001 (SWE 1989) € 10.00
Shoutless, The- Out of reach - LP (m- / m-) Rainbow Music-RMX 3003 (SWE 1985) € 10.00
Sick-E's, The- Whispers from the front - 7" (vg++ / vg+) Going Underground Records-RNLD-10 (US 2007) € 3.00
Singing Dogs- Hell Blues - 7" (m- / m-) P.Trash ) sheet, coloured vinyl, limited numbered edtion of 120 € 5.00
Singing Loins, The- Songs for the organ - LP (m- / m-) Hangman-Hang 44 (UK 1991) € 25.00
Sinners ,The- Love you more than this - 7" (m- / m-) MNW-MNWS 147 (SWE 1990) promo-sheet € 5.00
Sinners ,The- The original sin - LP (m- / m-) Swamp Room-SW 001 (F) € 22.00
Sir Bald Diddley And His Wig-Outs- Pie-Go-Mania! - LP (vg++ / vg++) Alopeca!-PIELP001 (UK 1996) € 10.00
Sir Bald Diddley And His Wig-Outs- To Baldly go... - LP (m- / vg++) Sympathy For Record Industry-SFTRI 614 (US 2000) € 12.00
Sister Ray- No way to express - LP (m- / m-) Resonace-33-8816 (SP) € 9.00
Sister Ray- Random Violence - LP+7" (m- / m-) Resonace-33-8706 (D 1987) € 15.00
Skeletons, The- In the flesh - LP (m- / m-) Next Big Thing-NBT 3302 (US 1990) € 18.00
Skooby- Deep Inside/Groovy Andromeda - 7" (vg++ / vg++) Detour-DR050 (UK 1996) € 10.00
Solar Flares, The- That was then...and so is this - LP (nm / nm) Damaged Goods-DAMGOOD479LP (UK 2017) blue vinyl, sealed € 18.00
Solar Flares, The- That was then...and so is this - LP (m- / m-) Twist-BIG 20 (D 2000) € 35.00
Solarflares ,The- Psychedelic Tantrum - LP (vg+ / vg+) Twist-16 (UK 1999) € 25.00
Starvation Army- Nastiy bit of work - 7" (m- / m-) Scat-FIVE (US 1990) numbered edition of 1000, magazine, plastic toys € 8.00
Stepford Husbands, The- New ways of seeing! - LP (m- / vg++) Cryptovision-CRL 1200 (US 1987) foc € 8.00
Steppes, The- Harps & Hammers - LP (m- / m-) Voxx-VXS 200.064 (UK 1990) label-insert € 12.00
Stinky Lou And The Goon Mat With Lord Bernado- 12 Roots n Boogie Blues Hits - LP (m- / m-) Voodoo Rhythm-32507 (CH 2007) shrink € 22.00
Subtones, The- Boys want fun - LP (m- / m-) Teldec-6.26313 AP (D 1986) multi-coloured vinyl € 12.00
Subtones, The- Boys want fun - LP (m- / vg++) Teldec-6.26313 AP (D 1986) woc € 6.00
Subtones, The- Raining in paradise - 7" (m- / m-) EMI-C - 6.14 716-01-1 (D) lc, promo € 3.00
Sugar Shack- Fearless frat killer - 7" (vg++ / m-) Anomie-ANO011 (US 1992) € 3.00
Sugar Shack- Treasury of prayers - 7" (vg++ / vg++) Anomie-005 (US 1989) number 286 € 4.00
Sugarshock- The mother nature E.P. - MLP (vg++ / m-) Thrill Jockey-014 (US 1994) sheet € 8.00
Sunset Strip, The- Holocaust - 10" (m- / vg+) Au Go Go-ANDA 97 (AUS 1989) € 8.00
Sunset Strip, The- Move right in - LP (m- / m-) Au Go Go-ANDA 120 (AUS 1990) € 16.00
Superkools, The- Something Tomorrow - 7" (vg++ / m-) Dionysus-ID074534 (US 1991) purple translucent vinyl € 3.00
Surf Trio /Marble Orchard- Discover Vol.2 - 7" (m- / m-) September Gurls-SGS11 (D 1994) € 5.00
Surfin' Lungs, The- Cowabunga - LP (m- / m-) Big Bear -WIKM 41 (UK 1985) € 14.00
Swamptrash- Bone - 12" (m- / vg++) DDT-002 (UK) cut corner € 10.00
Swindlers, The- First Issue - LP (m- / vg+) D I G !-011 (F 1997) € 7.00
Swingin' Neckbreakers, The- Shake Break! - LP (vg+ / vg) Telstar-TR 019 (US 1995) € 9.00
Swinging London- Space Cowboy/Linda - 7" (vg++ / vg+) Smarten-Up-START 4 (D 1988) promo-stamp on back-cover € 8.00
Switch Trout, The- Sonic Masters - 7" (m- / m-) Estrus-ES7161 (US 2001) € 3.00
Tab Hunter- Jerk Off - 5" (vg++ / vg++) Voodoo Rhythm-VR 501 (CH 1997) € 10.00
Tav Falco- Blow your top - 12" (m- / vg++) Fan Club-FC 029 (F 1987) € 8.00
Tav Falco- Blow your top - 12" (m- / m-) Rough Trade-RT114T (UK 1982) € 9.00
Tav Falco- Red Devil - 10" (vg++ / vg++) New Rose-ROSE 140 (F 1988) € 10.00
Tav Falco- Return of the blue panther - LP (vg++ / vg+) New Rose-ROSE 215 (F 1990) € 10.00
Tav Falco- Shake E.P. - LP+12" (m- / vg++) New Rose-NEW 78 (F 1986) € 20.00
Tav Falco- Sugar ditch revisited - LP (m- / m-) New Rose-ROSE 73 (F 1985) innersleeve, shrink € 18.00
Tav Falco- The world we knew - LP (vg++ / vg+) New Rose-ROSE 113 (D 1987) foc € 12.00
Tex Napalm /Dimi Dero- Partly Animals - LP (vg++ / vg+) Beast-BR137 (F 2013) € 10.00
Th' Lunkheads- Never been cool - 7" (vg++ / m-) Shot Down-SHOT 5 (D 1995) € 4.00
Thanes, The- Dozen thoughts buzzing/Antenna Surprise - 7" (m- / m-) Screaming Apple-SCAP 023 (D 1994) € 8.00
Thanes, The- I'll Rest - 7" (m- / m-) DDT-DISP 20 (UK 1988) € 10.00
Thee Fourgiven- Salvation Guaranteed - LP (m- / vg+) Dionysus-ID123311 (US 1989) insert € 8.00
Thee Fourgiven- Testify! - LP (m- / vg++) Dionysus-ID123306 (US 1987) insert € 10.00
Thee Fourgiven- Voila - LP (m- / m-) Lolita-5049 (F 1986) € 10.00
Things- S/t - LP (m- / m-) Epitaph-E-86402 (US 1988) € 15.00
Three O'Clock, The- Arrive without travelling - LP (m- / m-) I.R.S./CBS-26380 (NL 1985) hypesticker € 15.00
Three O'Clock, The- Sixteen Tambourines - LP (m- / m-) Frontier-5008 (US 1983) insert € 20.00
Tigerbeat- Gimme a break - 7" (m- / m-) Fanboy-FAN #905 (D 1999) € 3.00
Tommyknockers, The- Caught dead inside - MLP (vg++ / vg++) Unique-UNR 33002.8 (D 1990) innersleeve € 8.00
Tough MFs- Sweet Anneli - 7" (vg++ / vg++) Heptown-HTR986 (SWE 2014) € 3.00
Tout Paris- Trail and error - LP (vg++ / vg++) Subway-SUB-LP-91/6 (D 1991) € 10.00
Trashmonkeys- The Maker - LP (m- / m-) L'age d'or (D 2004) foc, green vinyl € 12.00
Trilobites, The- American TV / Legacy Of Morons - 7" (m- / m-) Citadel-CIT 023 (AUS) sheet € 6.00
Tryfles, The- S/t - LP (m- / m-) Midnight-MIR LP 119 (UK 1986) sticker, innersleeve € 20.00
Unclaimed, The- The primordial ooze flavored unclaimed - LP (m- / vg++) Hysteria-HLP-1300 (US 1983) € 30.00
Unholy Swill- Live in Dallas - LP (m- / m-) Nawpost-NWPST 4 (US 1994) 3 inserts € 12.00
Unholy Swill- Tapeworm in my head/Basketcase - 7" (m- / m-) Noiseville-13 (US 1990) black vinyl € 5.00
Unnatural Helpers- Dirty, Dumb & Comical - 7" (m- / m-) Sub Pop-SP788 (US 2008) € 7.00
Unnatural Helpers- Land Grab - LP (vg++ / vg+) Hardly Art-HAR-040 (US 2012) € 8.00
Urban Junior- Two headed demon - LP (m- / m-) Voodoo Rhythm-43942 (CH 2010) € 12.00
UV Race- Homo - LP+Download (new / new) In The Red (US 2011) € 16.99
V.A.- A tribute to Nino Ferrer - Garage Shot of Rhythm & Soul ! – Vol. 4 - LP (vg++ / vg+) Larsen-LZ 084 (F 2005) € 14.00
V.A.- Battle of the garages - LP (vg++ / vg++) Line-lLP 5116 AS (D 1981) € 13.00
V.A.- Battle of the garages - LP (vg++ / m-) Vox/Bomp!-VXS 200.006 (US 1981) € 17.00
V.A.- Declarartion of fuzz - LP (m- / vg++) Glitterhouse (D 1986) insert € 20.00
V.A.- Dirty Mod - Selected finds for filthy minds - LP (new / new) Well Suspect (UK 2016) € 21.99
V.A.- From the house of lords - LP (m- / m-) Bam-Caruso-KIRI 085 (UK 1987) € 15.00
V.A.- Mindrocker Volume 1 - An anthology of US-Punk from the sixties - LP (m- / vg++) Line-LLP 5115 As (D) € 15.00
V.A.- Mindrocker Volume 11 - An US-Punk Anthology - LP (m- / m-) Line-OLLP 5322 AS (D) € 20.00
V.A.- Mods Mayday '79 - LP (vg++ / vg++) Bridge House-BHLP0039 (UK 1979) € 22.00
V.A.- Pebbles Box - 5LP-Box (m- / vg++) Ubik-BOXX 1 (UK 1987) coloured marbled vinyl € 99.00
V.A.- Powerpearls Vol. 2 - LP (m- / vg++) ( 1998) yellow marbled vinyl € 40.00
V.A.- Raw Cuts- Volume Six American Psych Wars - LP (m- / m-) Satellite-RAW 6 (UK 1987) € 22.00
V.A.- Rockabilly psychosis and the garage disease - LP (vg++ / vg++) Big Beat/Ace-WIK 18 (UK 1984) € 20.00
V.A.- Secret Agents S.O.U.N.D.S. - LP (m- / m-) Mai Tai-DD0118 (US 1995) € 22.00
V.A.- Skullfuck Vol.1 - 7" (m- / m-) Glitterhouse-27 (D) € 7.00
V.A.- Slitherama - Original japanese garage bands volume 3 - LP (new / new) Bamboo (UK 2016) € 29.99
V.A.- Sweet Times Volume 1 - 7" (m- / m-) Who Can You Trust-20 (D 2013) € 6.00
V.A.- The Belgian Garagemania Vol.4 - LP (vg++ / vg++) Boom-BOOM ! 4 (B) booklet € 15.00
V.A.- The Estrus lunch bucket - 3x7"-Box (m- / vg+) Estrus-ESBX1 (US ) limited numbered edition of 1500, sheets, inserts € 14.00
V.A.- The Foreign Object EP - 7" (m- / m-) Foreign Object-WDEP1 (AUS 1986) red and black sleeve, insert € 22.00
V.A.- The Rebel Kind - LP (m- / m-) Lolita-MIG 14 (F 1983) € 12.00
V.A.- The train to disaster! - LP (m- / m-) LSD-TRIP TWO (D) € 9.00
V.A.- The world's lousy with ideas Vol. 4 - 7" (m- / m-) Almost Ready-ARR-005 (US 2008) € 4.00
V.A.- Welcome to...Comboland - A collection of twelve artists from North Carolina - LP (m- / m-) Making Waves-SPIN 209 (US 1986) € 8.00
Vaughn, Ben- Blows your mind - LP (vg++ / vg++) Enigma/Virgin-209 664-630 (D 1988) € 11.00
Vaughn, Ben- Dressed in black - LP (m- / m-) Enigma/Demon-FIEND 166 (UK 1990) € 12.00
Vaughn, Ben- The many moods of - LP (m- / vg++) Making Waves-SPIN 210 (UK 1986) € 8.00
Vaughn, Ben- The Prehistoric (1978-1980) - LP (m- / m-) Munster -MR 155 (SP) € 12.00
Vice Barons, The- Arrowheads! - Vice Barons Meet... The king of Fuzz - 7" (m- / m-) Screaming Apple-SCAP 029 (D 1994) € 6.00
Vietnam Veterans, The- Catfish Eyes... - LP (m- / m-) Music Maniac-MM 008 (D 1987) foc € 15.00
Vietnam Veterans, The- Crawfish for the notary - LP (m- / vg++) Lolita-5030 (F 1984) € 15.00
Vietnam Veterans, The- Green Peas - 2LP (vg++ / vg+) Music Maniac-MM 001/2 (D 1985) € 10.00
Vietnam Veterans, The- In ancient times - LP (m- / vg+) Music Maniac-MM 003 (D 1986) sheet € 12.00
Vietnam Veterans, The- On the right track now - LP (m- / m-) Lolita-5001 (F 1983) € 20.00
Viva Vertigo- Viva Viva - LP (nm / nm) Bad Afro-AFROLP023 (D 2004) still sealed € 10.00
Volcanoes, The- Strangers in the night - 7" (vg++ / vg) (UK 1983) € 4.00
Voodoo Love Gods, The- Bad Seed - 7" (m- / m-) Glitterhouse-GR012 (D 1986) € 5.00
Voodoo Love Gods, The- S/t - LP (m- / m-) Bona Fide-VDOD-9X (US 1987) € 14.00
Wailers, The (Garage)- Out of our tree/You weren't using your head - 7" (m- / m-) Norton-812 (US ) flc € 10.00
Wailers, The (Garage)- The Fabulous - LP (nm / nm) Norton-NW 901 (US 1998) sealed € 16.00
Warm Soda- Someone for you - LP (m- / m-) Castle Face-CF-016 (US 2013) € 13.00
Wax Witches- Celebrity Beatings - LP (m- / m-) Teenage Values-TV002 (AUS 2013) pink vinyl € 27.00
Wax Witches- Center of the universe - LP (m- / m-) Burger-BRGR619 (US 2014) innersleeve, clear with green splatter vinyl € 25.00
We've Got A Fuzzbox And We're Gonna Use It- Love is the slug - 12" (m- / m-) Vindaloo (EU) € 8.00
Weird Party- Hussy - LP (m- / vg+) Sex & Death-S&D 02 (US 2012) clear vinyl € 15.00
What For, The- Ready Steady - 7" (m- / vg++) Miss.Take-430092 (D 1987) € 15.00
Wicked- Dawn of the wicked - LP (m- / vg+) Sick Records-SICK 014 (CH 1988) € 10.00
William Loveday Intention, The- Cowboys are sq - LP (new / new) Damaged Goods (UK 2022) € 24.99
William Loveday Intention, The- Paralysed by the mountains - LP (new / new) Damaged Goods (UK 2022) € 22.99
Willie Alexander & The Boom Boom Band- Kerouac - 7" (vg++ / vg+) Bomp!-109 (US 1978) € 10.00
Willie Alexander & The Boom Boom Band- Kerouac - 7" (vg++ / vg++) Line-6.14394 AC (D 1985) € 10.00
Wilmer X- S/t - MLP (m- / vg+) Amigo-AMMP301 (SWE 1980) € 10.00
Wishniaks, The- Catch 33 - LP (nm / nm) Bloodmoney-ERATO 79 (US 1990) still sealed € 18.00
Wombats, The (US)- Mudpuddles - LP (vg++ / vg++) Homestead/Dutch East India Trading-HMS034 (US ) € 12.00
Wombats, The (US)- Zontar must die! - LP (m- / vg++) Voxx-VXS 200.017 (US 1984) € 18.00
Workdogs, The- Roberta - LP (vg++ / vg++) Okra-OK33004 (US 1988) € 18.00
X-Rays, The- Bellingham - 7" (m- / m-) Get Hip-GH-174 (US 1995) € 4.00
X-Rays, The- Crawling back to Vegas - 7" (m- / m-) Savage-SAV 7001 (SWE 1998) € 4.00
Yard Trauma- Must've been something I took last night - LP (m- / vg+) Dionysus-ID8502 (US 1985) € 14.00
Yikes- Whoa Comas / Blood Bomb - MLP (vg++ / m-) Labil-003 (US 2005) € 58.00
Young Lords- Paradise Now - LP (m- / vg++) A Night In Tunisia (US ) € 10.00
Zen Guerrilla- Trance states in tongues - LP (m- / m-) Sub Pop/Epitaph-6571-1 (EU 1999) red vinyl, poster € 70.00
Zodiac Motel, The- The story of Roland Flagg - LP (vg++ / vg++) Swordfish-SWFLP 001 (UK 1986) € 20.00
Parallel Schallplatten, Mailorder für Vinyl und Cds, Second Hand und Neuware.
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