Ihr Warenkorb
 2 Pac, - Strictly 4 my N.I.G.G.A.Z. (LP) x € 99.00
 3 Colurs Red, - This is my Hollywood (12") x € 7.00
 360's, - Illuminated (LP) x € 10.00
 4th Street Orchestra, - Leggo! Ah-fi-we-dis (LP) x € 34.99
 ABC Company, - The best of Cream -- A tribute by ABC (LP) x € 10.00
 Abay, - Everything is amazing and nobody is happy (LP) x € 55.00
 Acklin, Barbara - Love makes a woman (LP) x € 18.00
 Acolytes, - Known Nonsense (7") x € 4.00
 Adams, George - More Sightings (LP) x € 16.00
 Aera, - Aera humanum est (LP) x € 40.00
 Aevangelist, - Enthrall to the void of bliss (LP) x € 15.00
 Agorà, - Live in Montreux (LP) x € 125.00
 Aids Wolf, - Aids Wolf/Satanized (7") x € 5.00
 Airey, Don - K2 - Tales of triumph and tragedy (LP) x € 15.00
 Aka, - Space age lovers (7") x € 6.00
 Akai Solo, - Spirit Roaming (LP) x € 25.00
 Albania, - Men in million (12") x € 10.00
 Albrecht/d., /Joseph Beuys - Performance at the ICA London 1.Nov.1974 (LP) x € 199.00
 Ali, Rashid - New directions in modern music (LP) x € 18.99
 All diese Gewalt, - Andere (LP) x € 22.99
 Allman Brothers Band, The - Historia della musica Rock (LP) x € 8.00
 Almighty, The - Blood, Fire & Love (LP) x € 14.00
 Ambiance, - Into a new journey (2LP) x € 30.00
 Ammons, Gene - Blue Groove (LP) x € 14.00
 And Also The Trees, - Green is the sea (LP) x € 145.00
 Anderson, Jon - Far far cry (12") x € 8.00
 Animal Collective, - Transverse Temporal Gyrus (12") x € 10.00
 Animals, The - Treat me like (7") x € 25.00
 Annabella, - Fever (LP) x € 7.00
 Anohni, - Paradise (10"+CD) x € 10.00
 Anthrax, - We've come for you all (2LP) x € 50.00
 Antolini, Charly - Drum Beat (LP) x € 25.00
 Antolini, Charly - In the groove (LP) x € 20.00
 Apes, The - The fugue in the fog (LP) x € 10.00
 Archer, Wilma - A western circular (LP) x € 22.00
 Armstrong, Louis - And his Hot Five (LP) x € 18.00
 Armstrong, Louis - Country & Western (LP) x € 7.00
 Armstrong, Tal - The tallest man in love (LP) x € 60.00
 Astralasia, - Whatever happened to Utopia (2LP+12") x € 10.00
 Aswad, - S/t (LP) x € 35.00
 Athon-Re, - Momente (LP) x € 22.00
 Atking, Ted /Alain Feanch - Scoop - Contmporary Documentary - Themes, Moods and Underscores (LP) x € 20.00
 Atlanta Rhythm Section, - Red Tape (LP) x € 8.00
 Atmosphere, - Strictly Leakage (2LP) x € 29.99
 Audy, Robert - Music for tap dancing (LP) x € 10.00
 Auger, Brian /Pete York/Chris Farlow - Olympic Rock & Blues Circus (LP) x € 20.00
 Autechre, - Chiastic Slide (2LP+Download) x € 27.99
 Ayinla, Alhaji Chief Kollington - Second Tier (Seem) (LP) x € 14.00
 Ayler, Albert - The first recordings (LP) x € 25.00
 B.A.L.L., - Four (Hardball) (LP) x € 15.00
 B.E.F., - Anyone who had a heart (7") x € 8.00
 Bach, Johann Christian (Haebler, Ingrid ) - 18 Concerti per il pianoforte e orchestra, op.1,7 & 13 (5LP-Box) x € 15.00
 Bach, Johann Sebastian (Scherchen, Walter /Walter Barylli) - Concerto No.1 for Violin & Orchestra in a minor. Concerto No.2 for Violin & orchestra in e major (LP) x € 20.00
 Bach, Johann Sebastian (Zukerman/English Chamber Orch., ) - Konzert für Violine und Orchester Nr. 1 a-moll und Nr. 2 E-dur/Brandenburgisches konzert Nr. 3 G-dur (LP) x € 10.00
 Bach/Mozart, (Lipatti, Dinu ) - Jésus, que ma joie demeu´re, Sicilienne, Partita no.1/Sonate no.8 (LP) x € 10.00
 Bajja Jedd, - Bed work sensation (12") x € 12.00
 Balmorhea, - Pendant World (LP) x € 29.99
 Band, The - The Last Waltz (3LP) x € 30.00
 Banks, Tony - A curious feeling (LP) x € 9.00
 Barclay James Harvest, - And other short stories (LP) x € 30.00
 Barclay James Harvest, - Victims of circumstance (7") x € 3.00
 Bare, Bobby - The winner and other losers (LP) x € 14.00
 Barnett, Courtney - Things take time, take time (LP) x € 20.00
 Bartók, /Strawinsky(Kontarsky/Kontarsky/Caskel/König, ) - Sonate für 2 Klaviere und Schlagzeug/Konzert für 2 Klaviere (Solo)/Sonate für 2 Klaviere (LP) x € 5.00
 Basie, Count - Farmers market barbecue (LP) x € 18.00
 Basie, Count - Warm Breeze (LP) x € 16.00
 Bats, The (US) - Nothing al all/Big bright eyes (7") x € 15.00
 Bay City Rollers, - Once upon a star (LP) x € 9.00
 Baños, Roque - Don't Breathe (LP) x € 28.99
 Bear's Den, - So that you might hear me (LP) x € 14.00
 Beastie Boys, - Girls (7") x € 20.00
 Beatles, The - On Air - Live at the BBC Volume 2 (7") x € 34.00
 Beatles, The - Tell me what you see (7") x € 50.00
 Beck, - I just started hating some people today (7") x € 6.00
 Beckers, G.B. - Walkman (LP) x € 17.99
 Beethoven, Ludwig Van (Kegel/Dresdner Philh. , ) - 9 Symphonien (8LP-Box) x € 14.00
 Beethoven, Ludwig Van (Markevitch/Haskil/Böhm/Richter-Haaser, ) - Concerto pour piano et orchestre No 3/Fantaisie pour piano choeurs et orchestre (LP) x € 10.00
 Beethoven, Ludwig Van (Solti/Chicago Symph. Orch./Behrens/Hofmann/Sotin, ) - Fidelio (3LP-Box) x € 8.00
 Benson, George - Breezin (LP) x € 50.00
 Bethânia, Maria - Série Coletânea Vol. 5 (LP) x € 14.00
 Beverly Kills, - Elegance in a state of crisis (MLP) x € 15.00
 Big Deal, - June Gloom (2LP) x € 9.99
 Bilders, - We are the coolest cats in the world (LP) x € 50.00
 Bill Black's Combo, - Award Winners (LP) x € 10.00
 Björk, - Fossora (2LP) x € 34.00
 Black Belles, The - S/t (LP) x € 40.00
 Black Carnations, Les, - Beat the attitude (MLP) x € 10.00
 Black Cats, The - Dying Love/Watermelon Man (7") x € 10.00
 Black Keys, The - Attack & Release (LP) x € 32.00
 Black Milk, - Album of the year (2LP) x € 20.00
 Blades, Ruben - Nothing but the truth (LP) x € 14.00
 Blakey, Art - Gypsy Folk Tales (LP) x € 20.00
 Blige, Mary J. - What's the 411? (2LP) x € 27.99
 Blues Train, The - S/t (LP) x € 10.00
 Boettcher, Marc - Sing! Inge, sing! (Book) x € 24.00
 Bokoya, - S/t (LP) x € 18.99
 Bolling, Claude - Borsalino O.S.T. (LP) x € 14.00
 Bop-Chords, - So why / Baby (7") x € 5.00
 Boppers, The - S/t (LP) x € 14.00
 Boulez, Pierre (Ensemble Musique Vivante, ) - Domaines (LP) x € 18.00
 Bounty Killer, - Corrupt System (7") x € 5.00
 Boyd, Eddie /Ulli's Bluesband - Soulful (LP) x € 20.00
 Braff, Ruby, - S/t (7") x € 10.00
 Brahms/Mussorgsky, (Yi-Kwei, Sze /Brooks Smith) - Vier ernste Gesänge/Lieder und Tänze des Todes (LP) x € 25.00
 Brauer, Timna /Eli Meiri - Orientet Live (2LP) x € 18.00
 Brothers Johnson, The - Strawberry Letter 23 (12") x € 10.00
 Brown, Chuck And The Soul Searchers - Funk Express (LP) x € 20.00
 Brown, Erroll - Dub Expression (LP) x € 31.99
 Brown, James - Aint that a groove (LP) x € 25.00
 Brown, James - Bring it on/The night time is the right time (12") x € 7.00
 Callas, Maria - La Divina Vol.7 (2LP) x € 9.00
 Campingsex, - 1914 (LP) x € 25.99
 Canta U Populu Corsu, - Eri oghje dumane (2LP) x € 14.00
 Cassidy, Eva - I can only be me (2LP) x € 34.99
 Cavalli, Francesco (Hirsch/Münchener Vokalsolisten/Kammerensemble Bay.Staatsorch., ) - Messa Concertata 1656 (LP) x € 12.00
 Chatshow, - Shake it down (12") x € 7.00
 Dias, Miguel, - Mariachi Vol.1 (LP) x € 7.00
 Docteur Nico, et son Orchestre - Dieu de la guitare (2LP) x € 38.99
 Duplan, Herns - Rythmes pour l'expression primitive (LP) x € 20.00
 Fairuz, - Baalbeck International Festival 1961 (LP) x € 50.00
 Frahm, Nils - Screws (LP) x € 25.99
 Gamil, Soliman - Die ägyptische Musik (LP) x € 25.00
 Gilder, Nick - You know who you are (LP) x € 14.00
 Griffin, Gloria - Gospel's Queen (LP) x € 15.00
 Géczy, Barnabás von - Vol. 2 (2LP) x € 12.00
 Hugo, Lieve - King of Kaseko (LP) x € 10.00
 Ikonika, - Sahara Michael (12") x € 7.00
 King Kurt, - Ooh wallah wallah (LP) x € 19.99
 Little Angels, The - S/t (LP) x € 10.00
 Mac Low, Jackson - 1st Milarepa Gatha (7") x € 45.00
 Marimba Chiapas, La - Marimbas Mexicanas (LP) x € 10.00
 Mobutu, - Allocution de son excellence le general de corps d'armee Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngwendu Wa Zabanga (2LP) x € 30.00
 Ondekoza, The - Kagura (LP) x € 20.00
 People Success Band, The - George Haya/Sela Achieng' (7") x € 30.00
 Rockin' Dopsie, & The Twisters - Hold On! (LP) x € 10.00
 Rondalla Yucateca, La - La trova de siempre (LP) x € 14.00
 Tuco, - Tonton Relax (LP) x € 15.00
 V.A., - Scottish Pipes! (LP) x € 15.00
 V.A., - Troika - Musikalische Reise durch die 15 Republiken - Originalaufnahmen aus der UdSSR (2LP) x € 14.00
 Witch (Zambia), - Zango (LP) x € 27.99